Computer HomeComputer By ChagoCad arrow_downward star_rate bookmark KEYBOARD LIFTER mitsumi The lifter part for a misumi brand or standard keyboard broke, so I remodeled it.… By Nadir Oktay Kucukaltun arrow_downward bookmark Laptop Back Stand Laptop riser for gaming laptops.I can't print it because I don't have a 3D printer.… By Nadir Oktay Kucukaltun arrow_downward bookmark Graphics Card Holder Gaming computers have high-spec graphics cards. Heavy graphics cards connected to the motherboard vertically wear… person By MUSTAFA IŞIK arrow_downward bookmark Minecraft Cube Model Bookmark Bookmark for Minecraft, one of the most played games in the world. person By MUSTAFA IŞIK arrow_downward bookmark Minecraft Black Enderman Bookmark Black Enderman model bookmark, the scariest character for Minecraft, one of the most played games… person By ARDA AKTAŞ arrow_downward bookmark Kulaklık standı Duvara vida ve ya bant ile takılabilecek kulaklık standı By ChagoCad arrow_downward star_rate bookmark left wrist relaxer (four types) While playing games, we use the A - S - D - W keys and… person By Dániel Martin arrow_downward bookmark Headset Holder This stable 3D printable headset holder is perfect for all gamers who are tired of… person By MUSTAFA IŞIK arrow_downward bookmark PUBG-Bookmark 3 The fact that the PUBG game played around the world represents the character, can be… person By MUSTAFA IŞIK arrow_downward bookmark Minecraft Zombie Model Bookmark One of the most played games in the world, Minecraft villain zombie model bookmark. By Nadir Oktay Kucukaltun arrow_downward bookmark xbox controller holder The purpose of this piece is as we all know cloud-based technologies are evolving. And… person By Max Bareilles arrow_downward bookmark Under-Desk Headphone Rest I needed a place to put my headphones so they would not take up too… person By MUSTAFA IŞIK arrow_downward bookmark PAC-MAN Bookmark Bookmark for PAC-MAN, the world's oldest and best known game. person By MUSTAFA IŞIK arrow_downward bookmark Minecraft Sword Model Bookmark one of the most played games in the world, Minecraft used item sword model bookmark. person By MUSTAFA IŞIK arrow_downward bookmark PAC-MAN Bookmark 2 PAC-MAN bookmark, the most played and loved game worldwide. Load more rotate_right